
Showing posts with the label MAKALAH BHS. INGGRIS EKO. ISLAM


ENGLISH PAPERS ISLAMIC BANKING FOREWORD Praise and thank you we pray to the presence of Allah Almighty who has given me His blessings, blessings and gifts, because we will also be able to complete this paper because of His will. The theme or title of this paper is "ISLAMIC BANKING". The contents of this paper are about the understanding of Sharia Banks, the background of the establishment of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, the development of Sharia Banks in Indonesia, and the Implications of Government Policy on Banking Development in Indonesia. We hope that this paper can be useful, so that it can increase knowledge for readers. Critics and suggestions from all parties that are constructive are always expected by us for the perfection of this paper. Finally, we would like to thank all those who have participated in the preparation and completion of this paper from beginning to end. And may Allah SWT always bless our efforts. Binjai, July 2019 Aut...